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Small Business Diaries: Happy Stress

Chris Hoskins
2 min readApr 16, 2021


Purely negative emotions: stress, anxiety, nervousness, etc are emotions that I find to be additional context during the day of business.

Well, to be franker, these emotions had to be framed in a positive light as they are persistent emotions throughout the day.

Today was no exception.

Daytrading sprinkled in with a marketing business is a recipe for emotional peaks and valleys.

But, getting through them, having the chance to write about them at the end of the day, gives me this fresh sense of perspective. It’s almost like the euphoria after a good run. It sucks each given step, but the moment it’s over, I’ve earned that sense of relaxation.

Now, the context gets a little muddled when we think of mindsets for the things we attribute to being good and healthy things: exercise for example.

We all know we should do it, we all know it sucks.

But, we know doing it makes us healthy as the whole world tries to tell us on full blast.

Along that same vein, that’s how business is to me.

During the moment of work, while I bite my nails until the skin, it’s anxiety riddling.

It’s fucking tough.

There are days where I feel doom and gloom and I just can’t get out of the fog of my own problems.

Some days, like today, justify those moments, because they are the obstacles I’ve chosen for myself. Those specific moments of pure negative emotions, honestly, are completely forgettable in the face of the rewards I get after toughing through them. I feel pure elation for just doing it.

I guess today was just one of the good days.

Are you a small business owner? Are you trying to turn your passion into a business? Same.

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